Introducing...The Controlled Profits System
Module 1: The Controlled Profit System Introduction
Learn why Engineering your Business is the ONLY way to control PROFITS. Optimally structure your business for performance and Profits.
Module 2: Profit Measurement
In order to be controlled, Profit must be measured. Are you measuring the right things at the right time? Do you know what to measure and why? Learn to focus on those key things that matter
Module 3: Business Modeling & Benchmarking
Is your business model profitable? Are you generating the profits you expected? Benchmark your business model to KNOW where you are, to maximize the strengths required for profitability.
Module 4: Profit Drivers - The Seven Pillars
KNOW where your PROFITS are born, and how to measure and tactically use them to increase profits FASTER. Use these ‘KEYS’ to unlock your profit potential while controlling the entire process.
Module 5: Profit Control
Sustained Profits require control. Learn why you must Integrate systems, use automation and corporate policies and controls to make PROFIT TAKING A HABIT.
Module 6: Profit Plan Execution
Plans are useless unless they are executed. The Execution Module integrates the findings of your business into a tactical plan ready for implementation.
Module 7: Profit Optimization
Stop leaving money on the table by implementing Profit Streams and Scaling methods. Only for those who wish to retire early by multiplying their current level of profits.
Module 8: Bonuses
Bonuses inclued The Internet MBA – a full blown Internet Marketing course, Business reports, tools, tips, and tactics…over $2,000 value
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